McKinney-Vento Education Act
Many families experience unemployment, job changes, or other circumstances that can cause the loss of a permanent home. The McKinney-Vento Education Program provides services for students in a transitional living situation.
The McKinney-Vento Act provides protections to children “who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.”
Student Eligibility
Students eligible for protections under this act are:
Children sharing housing (living with friends or relatives) due to economic hardship, loss of housing, or similar reason
Children living in “motels, hotels, RV parks, or campgrounds due to lack of alternative accommodations”
Children living in “cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations”
Children living in “emergency or transitional shelters”
Runaways or youth rendered homeless by their parents
Families living in a place that does not have appropriate accommodations (such as: lacks water, lacks electricity or heat, lacks working kitchen or bathroom, is infested with vermin or mold, presents danger to adults, children or persons with disabilities)
Students not in physical custody of a parent or legal guardian and whose living arrangements are any of the above are included in the McKinney-Vento Act.
Student Rights
Students in temporary housing have the right to:
Immediately enroll in school and attend classes even if you are missing documents usually required for enrollment including birth certificate, immunization records, academic records, and documentation of permanent address
Busing to the local school if transportation is provided to other students
Special Education services immediately if the student has a current Individualized Education Plan (IEP) even if the IEP itself is not available or if it is from another district
Participation in school activities that are available to other students and receive transportation to and from all before and after school activities if it is provided to other students
Receive free school lunch
Offered services include:
School enrollment assistance
Tutoring assistance when available
Provision of basic school supplies, hygiene items, clothes when available
Immediate access to free school lunch
Help with transportation issues when possible
Help to locate emergency assistance and referrals to community service agencies for food, shelter, clothing, and basic needs.